Michael Clark here to tell you about funniest, most entertaining Zom Com ever written....Modest aint I? Well ok maybe not EVER written but it is a finished screenplay.
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I set out to write a different kind of horror comedy, something with heart and I wanted to try make it an ensemble piece. Zombies are timeless and even though there are a plethora of walking dead films crowded in the Netflix archives I think there are still some untouched approaches to this popular genre. I was determined to explore a way to make a fresh funny story and tell it in an unconventional story structure. I had bits and pieces in my head, funny little scenes, certain visuals and a few characters but they just didn't fit together as a flowing narrative. I figured the best way to jam pack all this fun into to one story is to write it as an ensemble piece...Think Pulp Fiction meets Zombieland.
Early poster concept.
Zomedy , first titled " Bite me". tells the story of a chemical spill in a small northern Michigan town called Hello Lake. Yawnnnn a chemical spill? Really? Not very original so far you say? Well let's just say you have never seen it done this way before. I mean how many times have you seen a squirrel on a motorized skateboard run a delivery truck off the road ? Once the stage is set we introduce to the 3 main groups of players in this undead opus.... I'll just give you the short summary...Better yet here is the link to the Zomedy Facebook page. Click and read the logline for yourself...( yeah it's a cheap trick to get you to like our FB page..so? Could ya? )
Ok did ya read it? Did you like our page? Wow you people are the best...expect you, yeah you the guy who didn't click the link...shame on you.
So now what to do with this script now that is done? Shop it around. Being an independent film maker, and being SO independent nobody knows who I am, I had no contacts or agents to help me sell this. I showed to some friends and entered it in the Scriptapalooza screenplay contest hoping Hollywood would send me a plane ticket and huge check.... Dream on Clark.
The feed back from friends, actors and family was overwhelming. Seems I hit on something people really enjoyed reading and that validation feels really good to a writer.
Fast forward a few months and things were looking good. Friends and others were still very supportive of the project. Got a call from Chicago about a possible option on the script and ZOMEDY landed in the top 10% of the scriptapalooza screenplay competition. I thought ok this is it.. Hollywood has me on speed dial now....No?...Hello? .... LA? ....pfffft , nothing.
Never got that call, or check, or plane ticket... So what does an independent film maker do that won't take no for an answer? Fuck it, i'll make it myself!
Next time we will see how that worked out...
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