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Thursday, January 26, 2012

IMDB Pisses me off

Hello Film Buffs..

   Just wanna get this off my chest about the rating system on IMDB....How in the world does this rating system work? They say it's some secret system they don't want to divulge for fear of national security  or some shit.. And I know this shouldn't make me THAT angry and I should have a thick skin, take my lumps...blah blah...But ya know, i'm the creative type and want everyone to love everything I do...There I said it.. Artists tend to be thin skinned insecure babies and I guess I am one of them. So lets get to the meat of the post. This past summer we made a short film for a 48 hour film festival. We had two days to write- cast- film- edit- score- everything... Two days.. That's it. Came up with an idea for a hobo love story and we had to make it a foreign film ( per the rules) I barely speak English so to make it in another language was a challenge . We  wrote, filmed everything and had it done by the deadline ( with 0 sleep).. It went to festival and we won 1st place.. Needless to say we were all very happy and proud with the film. We started to send it to other festivals where it has been very well received. People really seem to like this short film.. Well here watch the trailer below.

 Would show you the whole 10 minute short but it is still currently on the festival circuit. So I post it on IMDB so everyone can can their due credit and it starts to receive high star vote..OK? Things are good... Some monkey chump gives it a 1 star, and the rating goes from a 9 star to a 1.7 star?  How is that math even possible? 11 votes- 8 are 10 stars votes- 1 is a 9 star vote- 1 is a 2 star vote and 1 is a 1 star vote..Now ya know that's just some internet dweeb being an asshole or maybe the director of another film that we beat out at the festival but still...Should be 8.4 stars.. So they take away 9 votes and only count the lowest 2? I know they will say they have a system and they may take away votes from people who are listed in the credits to be fair , but I know of people who did NOT work on the film that voted high stars.. They have some screwy system that really doesn't work because even if you didn't enjoy the film it still would rate higher then 1.7...

So here is the link to the IMDB page for Paper Man and see for yourself.


 Thanks for taking the time to hear me whine like a little baby, if you want me i'll be sobbing in my giant pillow.


  1. I rated it a 10, it didn't increase the rating ... I think there may be some hanging chads.

  2. I believe the logic used here is that lower rated votes tend to be more accurate according to some studies. Yet another reason why I don't believe in studies.
