After another relatively sleepless night, I forced my eyes open and checked my email. There I found the message I had been both waiting for and dreading: "SCRIPT ANALYSIS AND LETTER ATTACHED". A week earlier I was confronted with two options:
OPTION 1: Send $300 to a script consultant and pitch company in L.A.
OPTION 2: Eat and pay rent.
No brainer! My screenplay "Mr. Stripper" had been sitting on the shelf for a year and at the pace I am going now wouldn't be produced until 2035. So in a now or never moment, I pulled the trigger and hit the submit button. Doubt started creeping instantly, because that's what doubt does. Creepy doubt. I had visions of red ink splattered all over my screenplay, my year of labor and toil, MY BABY! I saw angry notes suggesting I give up writing and look into a career at Wal-Mart. I SUCK!!!
Did I mention writers tend to have self esteem issues?
I forced myself to open the email.
"Dear Steve,
Thanks again for sending in “Mr. Stripper”! The notes and letter are attached.
Reading this was indeed one of these moments:
Now before anyone starts asking for a loan, things to keep in mind. One an "option" does not mean I have sold the script and does not guarantee the film will be made. It just means I would give a producer exclusive rights (usually for a year) to produce the film. If it gets made, I might actually get paid something, but if not, I get the rights to the script back. Even if the film is made, there are a million ways for the writer to get hosed in the deal. Also I don't have a formal offer yet, just an email expressing interest.
What this email provided was a gift every writer craves more than anything: VALIDATION. Even three years into the film business I still feel like a newby, especially when comparing myself to my friends in New York and LA. I have a long way to go, but just knowing there is value in my work gives me a feeling I belong. I won't be putting on that blue Wal-Mart vest just yet.
That said, I did spend my rent money on this, so if I could crash on your couch that would be cool.
So the adventure of "Mr. Stripper" begins. Stay tuned for updates!
Steve Gast, you're an inspiration to the Kevin McCallisters of the world.
ReplyDeleteYou, too, can stem a robbery if you put your little mind to it!