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Friday, January 27, 2012

UNKNOWN reaches 13,000 views

Hello Film Buffs,

   So today we reach a Scallywag milestone. Our little short film titled " Unknown" reached 13,000 youtube views today.. YEAHHHHHHHH. I know that's not much in the youtube world, people get millions of views on kitten and boob videos everyday, but for a small video production company making original content , it's a big deal.
  So a quick back story on the short. Last year we were working on a project with fellow Scallywag  family member Jacquie Floyd and she told me this idea for a mini short and I loved it. We worked on it and said we should really film this one day. Well one day turned into two and months and like a year later we were all together filming a short and that idea came back up. We had all the people and the players there working so why not take this perfect opportunity to film Unknown...It was an easy shoot and easy edit and the following week it was in the can. I posted it on youtube and we did our best to FB the hell out it and see if it could get a few hundred views, and it did. After a week it was around 400 views, which is average for our films, but I was driven to get this out there a little more. I started posting links on Star Wars FB pages and even posted it on Carrie Fisher's page...Eh got a few more views but nothing earth shaking..But then... Jan 3rd ( my birthday, don't ask my age please) The views started going nuts..Other sites were showing our video, people were sharing it, people from all over were watching it..Well it seems Carrie Fisher saw the video and LOVED IT!!! She Tweeted it and posted it on her page....Carrie Fisher's Facebook page...scroll down and see where she posted our video.... BAMMO we were on sites in Germany- Russia- England..all over. What a great birthday present for Scallywag huh...So that's the back story, now if you haven't already seen it, what are you waiting for? It's right there...Click..enjoy and leave a comment.

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